Expert Witness

Our Expert Witness service is based around a forensic approach to engineering and an ability to see the unseen and interpret the obvious.

We offer simple independent advice to people of all necessities. Whether you are a homeowner just wanting to know if your building plans are safe, or a construction agency wanting an extra opinion, we can provide impartial advice. In this, we aim to create safer projects and safer environments.

Court witness statements to present at court or discharge of CDM 2015 are also areas we can help you in.

We’re proudly part of NEWA (The National Expert Witness Agency).

This compliance is delivered through discovery and exploration. We believe in letting the evidence speak and letting our partners see the evidence for themselves.
— Michael Shaw, International Health & Safety Consultant
The Civil Engineer is the the unheralded doctor of preventive medicine.
— Julian Carter

A dangerous and ill-informed structural design puts lives at risk. By Julian’s engineering expertise provides you with vital security, saving you from catastrophic accidents and legal action. This compliance is delivered through discovery and exploration. We believe in letting the evidence speak and letting our partners see the evidence for themselves.

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